Olmütz Hausmalerkrug 1788 datiert

Olomouc Hausmaler Faience Tankard dated 1788

Characteristics of Olomouc Faience of the 18th century
Ruzena Hrbková, (see literature below) has rendered outstanding services to the study of Moravian faience and was engaged in the search for Olomouc faiences in almost all museums and private collections in the Czech Republic. As a result of this tremendous effort in 1963/64 she arranged a large exhibition of Olomouc and Sternberg faiences in the Museum of Local History in Olomouc and the Ethnographic Museum in Brno. The exhibition was documented by a catalogue and a colour film.
The unique concentration of these faiences prior to the exhibition enabled an in-depth study of every minute detail and a precise analyzation. The study permitted to identify all of the typical features,
that characterize Olomouc faience objects. So it is possible today to identify these faiences perfectly, even if they appear only rarely, but still occasionally, or are still mistakenly described as Wischau in catalogues. The stylistic analysis of the considerable number of products of Olomouc provenance and the comparison with the faiences from Wischau or from other South Moravian workshops showed that the difference in the style of the Olomouc faiences is very caracteristic as of form, glaze, decoration and colouring.

The production of Moravian faience was influenced by two factors of decisive influence, the creativity of
the Habans in the 16th and 17th centuries and the products of the Hollitsch / Holíč majolica production of the 18th century. Beginning with the second third 18th century onwards the faiences were decorated with a vivid palette enamel colours ((Muffelfarben) enhanced with an intense purple.

The heyday of the Olomouc faience production dates back to the last quarter of the 18th century.
This tankard was attributed to
JOHANN NEUMAYER (Neumayr, Neumahr)
he came from Pisa Tuscany to Olomouc and was granted citizenship in 1762
P. 11
The Igo Levi Collection
The Nuremberg entrepreneur Igo Levi – born in Munich 1887- was a collector with great expertise and has built up of the largest collections of faience objects starting around 1920. The focus of Levi’s collection was on Southern German works of the 17th and 18th centuries. (e.g. Hanau, Ansbach, Nürnberg, Bayreuth, Crailsheim, Künersberg, Schrezheim and Fulda)
More details in this publication by
Anja Ebert
Die Sammlung Igo Levi
„Versteigert“ im Germanischen
Auction of the Igo Levi Collection 1962 at Weinmüller Munich
1956 Igo Levi was in contact with Ruzena Hrbková and they exchanged photos of this Olomouc Faience Tankard and were able to make sure that it is definitley an object of Olomouc provenance.
According to the illustration it was possible to identify the tankard as a typical Olomouc
faience, made by the renown Olomouc jug maker Johann Neumayer, one the most important Olomouc stein makers besides Franz Wittek and Joseph Cerny.
(See literature below „Die Entwicklung der mährischen Fayencen Hrbková, Ruzena“ PDF)

Museum Reference

Cylindrical tankard. On the front a ploughing farmer. Typical rim and handle decoration.
Michel Zangl werd ich genant, Halt den Flug in meiner in my hand. Franz Wittek,
Height 19 cm.
Museum of local history Olomouc.
Zeitschrift Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde
KERAMOS Nr. 115 / 1987 S. 37 – 46
Jan Neumayer (1737-1798, Olomouc) – Faience Jug dated 1786
Zora Wörgötter, Alena Kalinová „Quart“ in „Discover Baroque Art“, Museum With No Frontiers, 2023. https://baroqueart.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;BAR;cz;Mus11_A;48;en
Source: [https://baroqueart.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;BAR;cz;Mus11_A;48;en&cp]

Reference Objects – Collection Peter Vogt


Olomoucká a Šternberská keramika
Hrbková, R., Kunz, L. (1964). Olomoucká a Šternberská keramika. Tschechien: Vlastivědný ústav.
Die Entwicklung der mährischen Fayencen Hrbková, Ruzena
Zeitschrift: Mitteilungsblatt / Keramik-Freunde der Schweiz
Band (Jahr): – (1965) Heft 68