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Schlagwort: Wels

Hausmaler Arsenius Germain in Wels

Arsenius Germain Studio Painter „Hausmalerei“ Workshop Johann Kizberger, Wels,1772/1773 Arsenius Germain Welser Hausmalerkrug um 1772/1773 H. 26 cm Cartouche signature „fecit AG“ Painting „camaïeu rouge“ Purpurmalerei  Signature „FECIT AG“ Arsenius Germain came from a family of faience makers from Lunéville in Lorraine, who emigrated to Holitsch (Hungary) in 1743 to work in the new faience factory founded there by Franz Stephan of Lorraine. After completing his apprenticeship in Holitsch, Arsenius Germain went...
