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Tag: Sachsen

Fachliteratur | Dippoldiswalde

Neuerscheinung: »Dippoldiswalder Steinzeug – Ein Töpferhandwerk und seine kulturhistorische Bedeutung« English synopsis: This research work illuminates an unknown chapter of the History of Dippoldiswalde. For a long time it was not common knowledge that already in the 16th and 17th century the time period of European Renaissance and Baroque elaborately decorated dinking vessels of stoneware ceramic art were produced in the town of Dippoldiswalde in the eastern part of German Erzgebirge. During the years 1991 to 1993 more than 100 boxes of ceramics were collected during emergency...

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Creussener Kurfürstenkrug 1677 datiert

English Synopsis: Very rare Baroque ceramic object from the saltglazed stoneware manufactory in Creußen second half of the 17th century dated 1677 Decor pictures the Roman emperor and his elector partly in half relief with enamel painting. (click on the fotos for enlargement and a more detailed view) Museales und seltenes Objekt aus der Manufaktur in Creußen aus der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunder mit der Datierung 1677 sowie der Abbildung des römischen Kaisers nebst Kurfürsten teilweise im Halbrelief mit Emailbemalung: Spruchband: “Trinck mich auß vnd schenck mich ein, daß Du...

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